So Rusty Pickle led us to A Million Memories site....thanks Erin for figuring out that clue and texting me the project since I was at the beach...gave me time to brainstorm, too bad I left the camera card in the computer at home!!! Best laid plans and all that ;) So I came up with another idea....only to fail at that one too, but then I remembered paint is always your friend,and I love how it came out!!! We used the Heart and Wings album and the Pirate Princess line. Just hope its enough, the girls albums are over the top amazing and stunning!!! So here ya go, my Wings album.....very image heavy :)
Gorgeous Julie! Just gorgeous! It was good to see you during leg 4 over at CA. I need to get my butt back over to TS - I miss you girls. It just seems like I have zero time anymore for anything extra. :(
WOW!!!!!!!!! This is AMAZING!!!! What an eye candy this is Julie!!!! Congrats on coming up with amazing projects one after another!!!
YAY for you, Julie!!! What a labor of love! Can't wait to see what you cook up next.
he he he....cook is right ;)
Julie - absolutely gorgeous!!! I LOVE IT!!! What a treasure she is!
Fantastic my friend! Fantastic!! You are rockin' this race!
Gorgeous Julie! Just gorgeous! It was good to see you during leg 4 over at CA. I need to get my butt back over to TS - I miss you girls. It just seems like I have zero time anymore for anything extra. :(
This so rocks Julie!!!
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