Friday, October 12, 2007

Great unexpected news!!!!

I had applied for two different design teams at the same time, one call ended before the other and offered a spot on their design team (totally unexpected), the second call required exclusivity, it was a really hard decision for me. What if i turned down one and didnt get the other? I really wanted a design team spot. Thats the good thing about 6 month terms, you can move around if you want. Anyway the design team spot for my local LSS was the second call, and I basically disqualifed myself. BUT......................I did get the position to present the kit to the local kit club and provide samples from the kit.............pERFECT!!!!! So although I didnt get an online Design Team spot I still get to person!!! So if you are in the area and can get to the store come and visit......................

i will be posting some work from the October kits on the weekend...........and then it will be in the store!!!!

Woo Hoo..................thank you E and Scott!!!!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Congratulations on the ebb spot!